EW Engineers: How Effective Are Your Designs?

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Radar simulation systems must accurately prove whether an electronic warfare (EW) system is ready to perform reliably in the field. Some EW system engineers choose to use a synthesizer to prove field readiness. Although synthesizers can achieve fast signaling times, they can’t be easily modulated in FM. This results in lower bandwidth. Synthesizers can also suffer spurious signals (spurs).

The more reliable alternative is an Integrated Stabilized RF Source, which cost 4 to 5 times less than synthesizers. An ISRFS unit is specifically designed for radars, radar simulation, ECM, EW threat simulation, and test and measurement.

dB Control offers two ISRFS solutions. Both feature four types of modulation (AM, four modes of FM, Phase, Pulse), high accuracy and wide temperature operating ranges:

  • dB-9003 – 8 to 12 GHz, Iband frequency range
  • dB-9005 – 30 to 36 GHz, Ka-band frequency range

Both units are custom-mounted and provide highly accurate RF source at high-frequency switching speeds. They can be controlled and set up with a digital port, and are packaged in a custom configuration with conduction cooling.

Want to know more about dB Control’s radar simulation expertise? Read this article written for EW system engineers. Or download these RF source and receiver datasheets.


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